Pasta al Sugo di Zucca. La pasta con la zucca è un primo piatto dal sapore ricco e cremoso, delicato ma allo stesso tempo sfizioso e dal gusto inconfondibile. Il sugo di pomodoro fresco al basilico è il condimento mediterraneo per eccellenza, perfetto quando si usano pomodori saporiti e profumati. Adoro la zucca e oltre ad essere buona è anche versatile in cucina e non potrei mai rinunciare a un buon primo piatto in cui la fa da padrona.
Table of Contents
Ingredients of Pasta al Sugo di Zucca
- Prepare 4 cup of flour.
- You need 1 cup of pumpkin puree, for pasta.
- It’s 1/2 tsp of salt, for pasta.
- Prepare 1 tsp of olive oil, extra virgin, for pasta.
- It’s 1/2 cup of water, for pasta.
- You need 3 tbsp of olive oil, extra virgin, for pumpkin sauce.
- You need 2 large of onions, diced.
- Prepare 3 clove of garlic, minced.
- It’s 1 tbsp of granulated garlic.
- It’s 1/2 tsp of Italian red pepper flakes.
- You need 1 1/2 tbsp of salt, for pumpkin sauce.
- It’s 1 of handful basil, minced.
- It’s 4 cup of pumpkin puree, for pumpkin sauce.
- You need 1 cup of milk.
- You need 1 cup of water, for pumpkin sauce.
- It’s 1 cup of pecorino Romano cheese.
Da una profonda passione per la cucina tradizionale nasce il concept Pasta & Sugo. Un nuovo Street Food interamente Italiano. Il nostro concept abbina prodotti di qualità, quali pasta e sughi della migliore tradizione italiana, a una postazione di lavoro professionale unica nel suo genere. Fate insaporire bene e tuffatevi la pasta cotta al dente.
Pasta al Sugo di Zucca instructions
- First, the pasta: Mix the flour, puree, salt, and olive oil together until homogenous..
- Now, teaspoon by teaspoon, add the water, mixing after each teaspoon, until it starts to bind into a firm, dry dough. A wet and sticky dough is your enemy. Don't make your pasta dough your enemy; mix only as much water as you need. It's just shy of a half cup, probably. Really mix the dough aggressively to get the gluten and elasticity going..
- Now, you could roll your dough out by hand with a rolling pin until really thin, and then slice into fettucine. However, I recommend using a pasta machine, rolling to 7, and then using the fettucine attachment. Either way, hang it out to dry a bit. I like using a laundry rack..
- So, the sauce… heat the olive oil on low in a 3 quart saucepan, and then toss in the onions..
- Let the onions get a head start for a few minutes, and then add the garlic, pepper flakes, salt, and basil..
- When the onions have completely given up the ghost and are translucent, and not a moment sooner or later, add the puree and mix..
- Turn the heat to medium, and let's start loosening the sauce up. Add the milk, mix, and then add the water..
- Set a large vat on the stovetop and boil enough water to cook 5 cups worth of noodles..
- Simmer the sauce for about 10 or so minutes, and incorporate the cheese..
- Add salt to taste, simmer for another little while on low while you cook the pasta and until you are sure there isn't a single bit of unsoftened rind specks in your sauce (disregard that bit about rind specks if you bought your puree)..
- Toss your noodles into the vat of boiling water and cook until softened, likely just a few minutes. Think more like you are poaching an egg than boiling a potato in terms of timing for the noodles..
- Drain the noodles in a colander and run under cool water to stop the cooking process. Set the colander of noodles in a bath of warm water. In this way, you can take the colander out to scoop the drained noodles without worrying about cold or stuck together noodles..
- So, to serve, put some pasta on a plate, and then ladle some sauce in the middle. Enjoy..
Gli spaghetti ai fiori di zucca e tonno costituiscono una variante più economica ma Una versione più delicata è, infine, quella che vuole gli spaghetti ai fiori di zucca con ricotta. Non so cosa fare da mangiare stasera. Le polpette al sugo sono un secondo piatto appetitose che piace a tutti: cotte in padella col pomodoro sono facili da preparare. Le polpette al sugo sono un classico "piatto della nonna" che mette d'accordo tutti, grandi e piccoli. Semplicissime negli ingredienti, si tratta di polpette di carne di manzo.