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Easiest Way to Make Perfect Kitty Litter Cake ~ halloween

Kitty Litter Cake ~ halloween.

Kitty Litter Cake ~ halloween

You can cook Kitty Litter Cake ~ halloween using 9 ingredients and 19 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Kitty Litter Cake ~ halloween

  1. You need 1 box of brownie mix.
  2. You need 1 box of cake mix of choice, but best if light in color..
  3. You need 18 of graham crackers.
  4. Prepare 1 of chocolate syrup.
  5. You need 6 tbsp of powdered sugar.
  6. Prepare 1 tub of icing of choice.. best if light in color..
  7. Prepare 2 tbsp of green sugar crystals/ or sprinkles.
  8. It’s 1 of clean unused cat litter box.
  9. Prepare 1 of clean new unused cat pooper scooper.

Kitty Litter Cake ~ halloween instructions

  1. I got this recipe ( changed a few points) off of facebook from hill billy recipes…
  2. bake cake according to package directions. let cool while assembling the rest. now shape and size of cake will depend on the choice lof litterbox u made. make cake same size as that litterbox so it fits snuggly in the bottom. I used one of those pink hospital washtubs since this is a demonstration and don't have the cash for a new litterbox..
  3. bake brownies according to package directions. let cool while your assembling the rest..
  4. place graham crackers in a baggie and crush those suckers.u want some small chunks and some powder. no big pieces. nothing bigger than id say a bead…
  5. place powdered sugar and sugar crystals in baggie with the graham crackers. coat well. set aside..
  6. place cooled cake in bottom of litter box..
  7. frost with desired frosting!.
  8. sprinkle your graham cracker "litter" all over the cake. make sure you completely cover it so no frosting or cake shows. reserve a couple tbl. for effect..
  9. chcolate syrup.. pour a little in a spot or two to resemble diareah. sprinkle a bit of. reserved "litter" on top..
  10. cut brownies into strips. these will be your turds / poopy a.k.a. cat droppings…
  11. mold your brownies with your hands until they resemble kitty droppings. I do mine while still slightly warm. its easiest to mold. and a bit greasy so it looks and feels like fresh droppings!.
  12. place "droppings" in various spots and positions on the litter..
  13. sprinkle some reserved litter on top. not to much just enough to look like your cat tried to cover it up.. hang some off the sides.. etc…
  14. now your ready to serve using your pooper "turd" scooper for maximum effect.. make the scooper look used by wetting it and rolling it in some reserved litter maybe smear some brownie on it.. lol.
  15. hints: instead of brownies use warmed molded tootsie rolls!.
  16. instead of graham crackers u can use any similar colored when crushed will resemble litter.. like sandies cookies!.
  17. the green sprinkles/sugar crystals make it look like the green crystals for odor in real litter… the powdered sugar just makes it look dusty like real litter…
  18. great for halloween or an office party at a shelter, vet, groomer, etc…
  19. hope u enjoy!.
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